JustinDupree's Journal

JustinDupree's Journal


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11 entries this month

11:34 Jun 28 2011
Times Read: 607

Ugh. Nightmare again. Stupid fucking zombies. Leave my wife alone! *sighs* But on a good note I found a poem I wrote a couple of days ago and forgot to put here. To the poetry section! KayGogogo!



17:46 Jul 01 2011

Lol @ leave my wife alone comment.

Zombie dreams!? You lucky ass! I want a zombie dream lol.

22:20 Jul 02 2011

Next time I have one I'll be sure to tell it about your desire to participate in it's brain eating shenanigans XD


Get on mah Horse!

08:52 Jun 23 2011
Times Read: 620





08:22 Jun 21 2011
Times Read: 632

I'm so conceited lol I wrote a poem the other day, put it on ap and when I checked today (hadn't been on in it since I wrote it) no one had commented. My first thought wasn't "Oh, the poem must suck" no, my first thought was "Man, these people have poor taste in poetry" lmao! How horrible am I? XD



03:19 Jun 22 2011

You're not conceited, you're convinced! :P

Lol...i've posted my own poetry in my journal and felt that way. The thing is...

You gotta remember that good poetry often leaves the reader speechless. Also...we write poetry to express ourselves and what's inside of us. NOT to get kuddos on it. *hugs*

07:24 Jun 22 2011

Yeah, I know it's not to get props. I just thought that one was uber good and that maybe someone else would think that too. So go me! lmao

18:31 Jun 23 2011

Your poetry IS uber good! I'm a fan. :P


06:19 Jun 21 2011
Times Read: 635

Back massaging mats. The best thing her mom ever gave her. :P




In Memory of Ryan Dunn

20:36 Jun 20 2011
Times Read: 642

Ryan Dunn was one of my favorite Jackass guys. He passed away in a car crash this morning. I was reading in the comments on Yahoo news where people were saying "He died as he lived, A JACKASS" and comments like that piss me off. This was a man here people. A family man, I'm sure, and a human being. I'm sure he didn't make the best choices in the world but I'm also sure no one in this world has made the best choices 100% of the time. Life doesn't work that way. This man should be remembered not by the fact that he may or may not have been drinking but by the fact that he tried his damnedest to fill the world with laughter. This world makes me sick sometimes where people can find death something to make fun of. All life is precious and if you think someone dieing in a car crash is something to laugh at? Maybe you should join the Jackass crew. I'm sure they could use someone of your calibur. RIP Ryan Dunn.



20:55 Jun 20 2011

yeah that made me sad. Cool guy :(

02:39 Jun 21 2011

Dude, I LOVE Jackass. I adored the show on MTV and I really dig the movies too. I found this out and got sooooooo upset. I was so pissed. Ryan was one of the funniest dude's on there. I can't even believed the way he had to go too...

I hope that he is in a much better place. He will definatley be missed. :(


02:50 Jun 13 2011
Times Read: 654

My girl rocks my world. Enough said. :)



10:38 Jun 13 2011

Awwwwwwwww! You guys are too fuckin' sweet, you are givin' me a damn cavity! :P


13:12 Jun 09 2011
Times Read: 667

Irony. I said I didn't want to sleep but when I laid down to actually do it I can't. Oh well. To happy to let it get me down. Infamous ftw since I can't sleep XD




06:54 Jun 09 2011
Times Read: 668

I'm going to be honest. I don't want to sleep. I'm too happy. Today was really an awesome day. Honey, you made today so great. I'm so happy we had such a good time. Who knew talking about removing Scooby Doos leg would be so awesome. And I'm totally not wearing burgundy unless its on my fist! lol I love you baby. You're the best Thank you. Happy anniversary. I love you. You're my everything. :)




Next Contestant- Nickelback

12:45 Jun 07 2011
Times Read: 678

I judge by what she's wearing

Just how many heads I'm tearing

Off of assholes coming on to her

Each night seems like it's getting worse

And I wish she'd take the night off

So I don't have to fight off

Every asshole coming on to her

It happens every night she works

They'll go and ask the DJ

Find out just what would she say

If they all tried coming on to her

Don't they know it's never going to work

They think they'll get inside her

With every drink they buy her

As they all try coming on to her

This time somebody's getting hurt

Here comes the next contestant

Is that your hand on my girlfriend?

Is that your hand?

I wish you'd do it again

I'll watch you leave here limping

I wish you'd do it again

I'll watch you leave here limping

There goes the next contestant

I even fear the ladies

They're cool but twice as crazy

Just as bad for coming on to her

Don't they know it's never going to work

Each time she bats an eyelash

Somebody's grabbing her ass

Everyone keeps coming on to her

This time somebody's getting hurt

Here comes the next contestant

Is that your hand on my girlfriend?

Is that your hand?

I wish you'd do it again

I'll watch you leave here limping

I wish you'd do it again

I'll watch you leave here limping

There goes the next contestant

I'm hating what she's wearing

Everybody here keeps staring

Can't wait 'til they get what they deserve

This time somebody's getting hurt

Here comes the next contestant

Is that your hand on my girlfriend?

Is that your hand?

I wish you'd do it again

I'll watch you leave here limping

I wish you'd do it again

I'll watch you leave here limping

I wish you'd do it again

Each night seems like it's getting worse

I wish you'd do it again

This time somebody's getting hurt

There goes the next contestant




08:19 Jun 07 2011
Times Read: 679

Vivid. That's the only way I can describe the nightmare I just woke up from. Was asleep what? and hour and a half? *sighs* I don't always like him but he's my dad and I don't want anything to happen to him. Like a little kid I went in there and woke him up just to check on him. He was cool about it though. Didn't say shit when I gave him a hug. Just patted me on the back like he used to and said "I'm okay man. Really" and that's my dad. A dick 98 percent of the time but the those rare two percent? He's a good guy. And yeah, tomorrow I'll pick on him again but that's the way we do things mostly. He'll probably be a dick to everyone but me tomorrow and then the next day he'll go back to being a prick but when it counts and I'm upset and almost crying he's exactly what I need him to be. He's my dad.




14:41 Jun 04 2011
Times Read: 686

After like 12 hours. Yes, 12! Infamous finally downloaded and installed. 1 free game down and 1 to go. Sucks I don't live in Europe for a day. They have Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty and I've been wanting to try that one. Oh well. I guess Dead Nation will have to do since the other two have no interest for me. :)



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